Welcome #

Ever wanted to fly in your favorite flight simulators with a gamepad?

Then ControllerBuddy is what you have been looking for!

On this page you will find everything you need to take to the skies with your favorite game controller.

Screenshots #

Getting Started #

With the ControllerBuddy-Install-Script there is now an automated way to install and update ControllerBuddy and configure your flight sims for the official profiles!



Profiles #

All of the profiles listed below can be obtained from the author’s ControllerBuddy-Profiles repository on GitHub.
Please note that these profiles are continuously updated and improved by the author.

The links below will take you to a visualization of each profile:

About #

ControllerBuddy is free and open-source software made with ❤ by Matteo Hausner (bwRavencl).